Noah Matsell's Resume

Senior Software Engineer

Technical Skills


TypeScript, JavaScript (ES6), React, Redux, Apollo Client, Webpack, HTML, CSS, Tailwind, Next.js


Node.js, Ruby, Rails, Sinatra, SQL, NoSQL, GraphQL

General Development

Git, Github Actions, AWS Lambda, API Gateway, Jest, Netlify, Vercel, Figma

Summary of Qualifications

My passion is building. Specifically, I love building software products. I have 5 years of experience as a SaaS and agency Software Developer, and 7 years of experience building on the web. During this time I've architected and launched numerous successful features, tools, and applications. I leverage this experience to build software that customers love.


  • Senior Software Engineer

    MetaLab | Vancouver, BC | Oct 2021 - Present
    • Architected and built web applications for well-funded startups and companies.
    • Built and maintained several client component libraries.
    • Architected and built a web application starter kit enabling Metalab to ship modern and impactful products faster.
  • Senior Software Developer

    Unbounce | Vancouver, BC | Jul 2018 - Sep 2021
    • Architected and built modern frontend and backend systems.
    • Mentored junior developers and interns.
    • Maintained large and complex legacy systems.
    • Collaborated on solutions across engineering, product, UX teams.
  • Instructor

    Lighthouse Labs | Vancouver, BC | Nov 2018 - Jan 2020
    • Instructed a part-time introductory course to modern web development.
    • Introduced fullstack app development, covering technologies like HTML, CSS, Ruby, Sinatra, Heroku.
  • Senior Technical Support Specialist

    Unbounce | Vancouver, BC | Feb 2015 - Jun 2018
    • A technical liaison between the CS and Engineering teams.
    • Created and delievered technical training to the general and technical CS teams.
    • Debugged complex issues related to JavaScript, analytics, webhooks, A/B testing, APIs, and more.
    • Built custom solutions for thousands of marketers and their web pages.
  • Web Developer, Freelance

    Arc Informatics | Vancouver, BC | 2015 - Present
    • Designed modern websites, landing pages, and applications for a variety of clients.


  • University of Victoria

    B.Sc., Health Information Sciences | Victoria, BC | 2006 - 2011
  • BC Institute of Technology (BCIT)

    Web Technologies Diploma | Vancouver, BC | 2015
  • Lighthouse Labs

    Intro to Web Development | Vancouver, BC | 2015

Open Source

  • Gatsby.js

    A React-based framework for fast, secure, and powerful websites.
  • Askcovid19

    Connecting physicians and developers globally in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic